Is it easy to get Polish girls into bed?

 Delve into the intriguing landscape of professional pick-up artists and their global exploits. Discover which countries offer more amenable encounters and which might warrant a second thought. If you’re seeking adventure, explore the realms where the prospect of a first-night connection seems more attainable. It’s crucial to note that this ranking is a playful average and doesn’t universally apply to all Polish girls. Embrace the lighthearted tone, as this exploration is not to be taken too seriously.

Recently, a peculiar map has gained popularity on the internet, ranking countries based on the perceived “ease” of connecting with women. The data behind this compilation comes from international pick-up artists, which included destinations like Brazil, Colombia, Ukraine, and Poland. You will find insights on attracting women from various countries, highlighting places where adventures are easier to find, and offering advice on navigating local dynamics. Remember, it’s essential to approach the information with a nuanced perspective.

 If your holiday goal is not to admire monuments, lie on the beach or go hiking, but only to “meet new people”, you should consider a trip to Thailand next summer, although this destination seems to be a bit dated. Therefore, good alternatives are Peru and Bolivia (South America) or the cluster of African countries around Tanzania, such as Zambia, Mozambique and Kenya. These are the destinations that offer the most fun-loving girls in the world, say the map’s creators (difficulty level: very easy to pick up).

Polish Girls

Ever wondered about the increasing influx of tourists to Poland? Is it due to Euro 2012 or perhaps the assertive promotion of our cities? Surprisingly, it may not be either. The intriguing draw could be linked to the aforementioned map. Polish girls find themselves in the second tier of ease (deemed easy to connect with), making them an enticing attraction, especially when coupled with their undeniable beauty. Interestingly, many Central and Eastern European countries share a comparable rating. This includes Russia, a majority of Asia, southern Africa, the upper half of South America, and Mexico. The appeal extends beyond borders.

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