The best party in Warsaw!

The Krakow Boat Party and Warsaw Boat Party are run by three friends from Australia, who love a good time nearly as much as a cold beer. All they want is to make sure your weekend is one that you will never forget! We met up with the boys to find out how more of what happens behind the scenes and if it really is the best party in town! The drinks are included in the ticket price and you can drink as much as you want so it has to be the best party in Warsaw!

Hi guys. Who came up with the idea?

We each have a claim but let’s say Daniel was the driving force.

How many partners are you?

There are three of us. Two brothers and a friend.

When was the first boat party?

It was April 2017 in Kraków. Warsaw’s first boat party was two years later.

Do you go to your parties?

Hahaha. The first 2 seasons were party party party. Can’t believe we made it this far. Now its strictly business!

Is it more guys or more girls?

Around 80% girls. They love their hen parties that’s for sure!!!

How much are the tickets?

They were 170 PLN this year. Let’s see next year. It won’t change much anyway

Is it true that unlimited alcoholic drinks are included in the price?

Sure. You can drink as much as you want or can!

The parties are really popular. So are you planning to retire soon?

Hahaha. Not yet!

When was your record year?

2022. It gets busier every year. We don’t have enough boats! In Kraków for example, there are only two boats that can handle our parties!

How many people can fit on your boats?

Around 140 people. We are working on a bigger boat so it will be 200!

Has anybody ever fallen off?

Hahaha. No. A couple of people jumped off while we were docking but we don’t recommend it!

Do you have security onboard?

Sure. We don’t get any trouble but it’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s more of a love fest hahaha!

Who gets drunk more, Polish or English girls?

Let’s say that the Polish girls are respectable but the English girls are hardcore!!!

People tend to wear outfits to your parties. Does any costume stick in your head particularly?

Yeah. There was a guy who turned up in a Gimp outfit in the middle of summer. it must have been around 30 degrees. Nuts!

Any crazy stories you can share with us?

The scariest thing was when we had a fire-breather act onboard and the guy accidentally inhaled the fire and burnt his insides!!! He had to be airlifted to the hospital but he is OK now. That was mad!!!

Have you ever caught anybody doing Jiggy Jiggy?

Hahaha. Yes, we have caught people in the toilet multiple times doing it.

That sounds amazing! Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting with you guys.

For Krakow go to, Warsaw is and Wroclaw is People are booking all the time so don’t leave it too late.

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